My Little Poem 

I hope you enjoy my poem that I’ve written. I myself, do not know who this woman is, but I know she is searching like the rest of us. 

She is merely a broken woman with a piano. An instrument so powerful; one she can harness the potency within. She can feel the keys beneath her fingers, waiting to be played at her will. Waiting to hum the tune that strikes into her soul. How she longs to feel the vibrancy of emotion and passion that follows each note. Even as she stops, still the echo of the phenomenon rings throughout. Her masterpiece will tie past and present; and the moon and stars will align. Fear her for she possesses a weapon far greater than any metal. Fear anyone who wields this gift of infinity. 

-Grace King 


Recently I’ve been pondering the meaning of love. It’s such a complex word with so many different meanings. So I decided to do a little digging and here’s what I’ve found. 

Love is a choice and devotion. Love is faithfulness and kindness. Love is secure and never ceasing. Love takes courage and audacity. Love is joyful and love is melancholy. It’s patient and determined. Love is compassion and grace. Love takes passion and fire. Love is fear and righteousness. 

Love will fade like all other things, but Jesus’ love will stay infinite. 

Since we’re talking about love here’s the man I feel all those things towards, and much more. I love him so much and am so happy to have him in my life. He will always be the peanut butter to my jelly:) 

-Grace King 


Well hello. This is a new website I came across randomly and immediately signed up since I am a lover of both writing and photography. I am looking forward to expressing my thoughts and emotions into this blog and seeing if they amount to anything. 

-Grace King